The Song
Like Roses is a powerful and reflective song, and is a part of Melanie’s roots-empowered album “Distant Star.”
If you enjoyed Like Roses, then Melanie’s editor recommends checking out her songs “You’re powerful,” and “Worry Gets You Nowhere.” The songs are part of Like Roses and Distant Star’s progression, and they explore the importance of self-criticism.
If you want something slower and further passionate then you can check out “Distant Star” – it gives a sense of longing and tugs at the heart. You can find these songs and more online on her website.
It is available for you on iTunes, Spotify, & Melanie’s albums here in her website store.
Melanie Dekker
A voice like chocolate. Musical diversity. Power. Sunshine. Love & soulfulness. Combine all this with an entertainer, whose blithe spirit has created fantastic songs and 6 albums. Singer-songwriter Melanie Dekker from Vancouver, Canada will move you with her lyrics and world class percussive guitar style. She’s been the support act for Bryan Adams, Russell Peters, & Faith Hill. Her tunes will surely take you on a ride and fire up your heart.
The Tale Behind the Video
Stanley Park & Deer Lake Park in Vancouver, BC is beautiful any time of year.
Len Rooney chose the song (from the Distant Star album) and the scene, and the story-line came along rather naturally afterwards. (It all started when we couldn’t find a willing person to be the subject in the video)
Some days it was just the two of us, but we had 2 lucky days where we had a ‘real’ crew.
JB berryman (kraft services) Nadine Strom (wardrobe and temp-mannequin repair), Edina (mover & a shaker)
We rented the mannequin, unfortunately due to rough handling and a drop onto concrete, I had to buy it. It was sold 2 years later on craig’s list to a man who needed the broken prop for his halloween costume.