The show
If you enjoyed the watching Melanie and Sinclair perform Blush live at the insound music store then Melanie’s editor recommends checking out her songs “Distant Star,” and “What a fool I am.” The songs are a bit slower in pace and give a brilliant sense of passion and longing. You can find these songs and more on her website.
If you want something more upbeat and exciting then check out “Ginned up.” It’s happy and oh so fun – you can find it here on youtube.
It is available for you on iTunes, Spotify, & Melanie’s albums here in her website store.
Melanie Dekker
A voice like chocolate. Musical diversity. Power. Sunshine. Love & soulfulness. Combine all this with an entertainer, whose blithe spirit has created fantastic songs and 6 albums. Singer-songwriter Melanie Dekker from Vancouver, Canada will move you with her lyrics and world class percussive guitar style. She’s been the support act for Bryan Adams, Russell Peters, & Faith Hill. Her tunes will surely take you on a ride and fire up your heart.
The Tale Behind the Video
Melanie with David Sinclair on the 2nd guitar – The duo came to perform Blush live for the insound music store during their episode of “Acoustic Guests.”
1 song, 1 take. Taylor guitar & a Breedlove guitar. SWEET!