This Melanie Dekker Live compilation of songs was recorded at 3 different concerts in 2 different countries in 2014.
Acoustic toe-tapping vibe: No drums. A Taylor Acoustic guitar, a sweet electric guitar, bass, keyboards.
Features guitarist, David Sinclair on guitar on most songs.
Also includes Sven Rowoldt (keyboards), Thomas Fuchs (keyboards), Allan Rodger (bass)
Cover photo taken in the Netherlands, by Henk Eggens.
My personal favourite. Signed personally to you.
Patrick T. –
One of my favorite Melanie albums, maybe because it’s kind of a Best of. Really soulful, touching and stirring interpretations of her best songs in a good sound quality. You hardly notice that it’s live recorded. Definitely worth it, even if you already have the studio albums. And those who have just discovered Melanie for themselves have a really good start at the beginning. Highly recommended!
Eines meiner Lieblingsalben von Melanie, gerade weil es eine Art Best of ist. Wirklich gefühlvolle, berührende und mitreißende interpretationen ihrer besten Songs und guter Tonqualität. Dass das live ist, merkt man kaum. Lohnt sich auf jeden Fall auch, wenn man schon die Studio Alben hat. Und wer Melanie gerade erst ganz neu für sich entdeckt hat damit für den Anfang einen richtig guten Einstieg. Wärmstens empfohlen!